
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Hey has anyone seen Once upon Atari?

it's supposed to be a documentary on Atari back in the 80's to the height of it's success. Sounds alot like the documentary they did on Microsoft and Silicon Valley, but I think it looks cool.


Also remember the 195 dollar game? Rat Race? Pretty cool article in the NY times.

fucking idiots. Doesn't this seem more like a late night infomercial on selling people "how to be rich" schemes? And the key to be rich is to sell videotapes of "how to get rich schemes" to a million other idiots. In this case, this guy encourages others to start businesses, yet profits off of the business of telling other people to start businesses. yikes.


Added Hey i got a great idea. You know, it's not a bad concept. Why don't we make our own reality "life" game. (self help style) I think it'd catch on. Parents love that "teach" your kids real life. It's like the game of Life, except more in depth. Anyone who can't quite picture what I'm talking about, go over to erics house and play cash flow once.