
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Favorite quote...

"After all, it wasn't long ago that interracial marriage was illegal" -Tali Woodward in the SF Guardian

Rudy, Yeah I agree that in many ways marriage has morphed so much in past century that it no longer has that "Sanctity" it once had. The slippery slope business.. Thats just a bunch of crap. My question has always been, why are these people so afraid? Is it God? Afraid of a vengeful god? If it is, then it is none of their business. That is between the marrying couple and God. My relationship or any persons relationship with God is their own and NO ONE ELSES BUSINESS unless I choose it to be. Besides the US constitution has been upheld many times as an article supporting the "Seperation of Church and State". If you don't like it, move to the Middle-east. Is it the fear of sex between same sex people? Who gives a shit what they are doing. They arent hurting anyone. Its not like they are doing it in YOUR bed. Is it the arguement that that gives them the ability to make other people "Catch Gay". Come on, give me a break.

Bush is a sleeze bucket. It is his bullshit and the other Republican garbage that made me leave the Republican party. Economically, I usually am in tune with the Republicans sans military spending and recent retard tax cuts. However socially I tend to lean more to the left. Since republicans see fit to incorporate church in state in the form of christian fundamentalism, I have left the party. Fuggers. Militant fundamentalists = Taliban.

Sorry for the Rant but I hate when people try and push their religion on me, particularly as legislation.