
Saturday, January 24, 2004

This is the most insane thing...

I guess the first Apple store that opened in Japan was quite an event. The line is just obsene. Check out the video.

Rude-a: I thnk 50% of the missions to Mars have failed. Particularly the Russians. They have sent more junk to Mars then anyone else, and most of the missions have miserably failed. I think they are sending monkeys up in the probes because they dont have enough money for electronics. The monkeys probably dont have enough food and die.

Elrock: How close are we to passing the injury man-games record this year? I think we are heading for a new record, two years in a row. D'oh! Andy Murray at the hardware store, "I'll take to more rolls of Duct tape, three packages of rubberbands and... Do you have any Gum?"

"My lord! I have never seen such giganticism in a scrotum before."