
Monday, January 05, 2004

1st blog post wedding post new years:

Wedding recap:

Seriously, it was good seeing people i haven't seen in a while. Most surprising of course was Janice. Jon, Kudos for bringing her. Seeing mike and carrie and seeing rudy. The pictures are all dispersed, and I wish I had brought mine camera, but if anyone will take pity and send me a few, I would be much obliged. Congrats Eric and leslie.

Fun-nest moments was in breakfast when the joke was on Mike having to figure out when to start/stop the music - or having to hum it instead. Aaron starts huming the theme song to star wars.
That and when the Pastuer proclaimed to Leslie "... or would you like me to cut to the chase?" hehe.

Looking forward to 2004 - Wishing everyone the best!

My list of New Years resolutions:

Res #1: Get a girlfriend, at least not be the last one in the Action team still single. So far it's a race between Ryan, Dennis and I.

Res #2: More working out. This is not to fulfill resolution one but in lieu of.

Res #3: This is a year of absinence from computer games, especially first person shooters. Sorry Eric, Call of Honor will have to go by the wayside. However, WWII miniature games is still good.

Res #4: Drive Safer

Res #5: ... will add more later.
