
Friday, August 29, 2003

"Whoa," exclaimed Joey Lawerence!

I got this from Slashdot:

All those stations, playing all that music, all the time! There's at least 40 different songs being played every week on most radio stations! Who has enough time in the day to listen to them all? That's why we've set up banks of computers to do the listening for us. They know what you really want to hear. They're trading variety for variance.

Eigenradio plays only the most important frequencies, only the beats with the highest entropy. If you took a bunch of music and asked it, "Music, what are you, really?" you'd hear Eigenradio singing back at you. When you're tuned in to Eigenradio, you always know that you're hearing the latest, rawest, most statistically separable thing you can possibly put in your ear.

Its this thing called eigenradio out of MIT (as far as I can tell) and I'm listening to it right now. Its pretty interesting! Worth checking out I suppose. It's pretty chaotic sounding, but still neato. Have fun roll the dice!

have fun at your convention guys... nt

- Strongsad
Aron wtfuck dude? Bring it!!!!

give me a call pronto! we leave in dos hours

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Johnny! Bring Mutant Chronicles! You will not be allowed in the room without it!

OK, I know it's a little late, but I thought it'd be a good idea to type up a list of games I'm interested in bringing/playing, and get the other Conventioneers' input ("Input!"--oh, I started laughing about that while taking a piss at work):

1. BATTLE CRY. BIG TIME. I'll bring this. Just played my 3rd game--the Rebels are up by one. Purchase yourself a helpful Negro! Ohhh.
2. Warhammer Quest: AERYK! BRING IT!!! Maybe we can get to Battle Level 2 and die on the way home from the dungeon.
3. Dungeoneer--got it.
4. Carcassonne--got it.
5. Trans America--Aeryk!
6. Iron Dragon--I liked this last time I played it. Also Ja-El can give us strategy tips.
7. Titan--the Arena. I've got this, I think. We don't play this much anymore, do we?
8. Dwarven Dig--Aeryk! I've heard good things about this.

Any other requests?

PS Slavery was pretty fucked-up!
Lil ol whore computer sluts

Actually jon, sounds like the symptoms of a common virus on the internet right now. The little grandma needs to stop whorin... er using outlook and opening files she doesn't know.

just fyi what it might be (MIGHT! not necessarily right) but you might want to bring a spare dildo, er Antivirus program

Nothing So Strange

Hey guys. I dont know if someone had posted this a long time ago, but I just ran into this fake-documentary about the assasination of Bill Gates called Nothing So Strange. It's written by the guy who wrote "Bat Boy: The Musical" and it actually looks kind of cool. There's some clips on the site but otherwise it seems kinda tuff to see (it been in festivals but theres no dvd currently avail.)

Im sick! it sucks. I got NO sleep last few days stressing out about getting this job, so my body finally said,"Rudy. FUCK you, asshole!" Argh. I'm sure I'll be over it by Tuesday when i start, but its makin these few days kinda rough. Thanks for the congrats team!

Yeah man- who knows whats goin on with that ladies computer. Sure eruk already suggested, but try AdAware and obviously Norton and shit like that. Maybe shes got like 16 megs of ram or something. Good luck koo-koo-roo!

-Club1821's got nards!

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

mr. fixit

Well, tomorrow I'm supposed to go over and look at a li'l old lady's computer. This is for pay, mind you. Anyway, as is the way of the elderly who do not commit their precious life energy to keeping abreast of new technology, she had some trouble describing exactly what the problem was. But it basically sounds like Outlook is freezing, possibly (but not necessarily) as a result of having many programs open. My problem is that while I'm pretty good at fooling around with computers generally, once things start getting really detailed, I can get a little lost. I'm also not very experienced with either Win XP or network shtuff.

Anyway, I know (and was reminded by Mr. Hessel, who was kind enough to talk to me while dealing with hellish traffic) to update everything, scan everything, etc.. But if the freezing problem persists after that, what kind of actions do people recommend? Do people know any good web resources for assisting with troubleshooting? I'd especially like to hear from Mike on this one.

Supar-psyched for Friday! I've been playing Battle Cry vs. the only opponent good enough to challenge me... myself!!! So far it's Union 1, Confederate 1. Who will win the rubber match tonight?

As a certain skeleton once said, TIME WILL TELL!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Yeah, I have to say that the concert was a blast. Except...

About the time Dio came on, this young tatted up, Weezer lovin' "alternative" couple who were probably no older than 20, came and stood in the seats in front of me and Eric. The seats weren't actually thiers; they were squatting. Mind you, I am already in hell, because Dio fucking blows, but these to kids had to be the most annoying human beings on the planet so they added to the pain. First of all, they wanted everyone to know how much they LOVED Dio. They were very animated in their efforts to sing along with the group, complete with the female part of the pair flipping her hair all around, and some of it even hit Eric's face. She was continually thrusting the devil horn hand sign in the air and just being over dramatic. She wasn't even hot. I got to stand behind the male who was 1.) sporting a Dio tour shirt from 1985 when there was NO WAY that he was even alive in 1985, let alone at the concert, and 2.) he was doing this dance that can only be described as somewhere between Mick Jagger's chicken dance and Duffman's hip thrusting on the Simpsons. Very weird. They didn't ruin the show for us because the seats' real owners came and booted them. They reconveined just a few rows down, so I could still see the horror that would have been, but at least it wasn't in front of me.

Right now I am watching Super Troopers. It blows too, but not as bad as Dio.

Congrats Rudy.
Congratulations Rudy! on getting the new job

Now you'll have money for the convention! you'd better show, because now you have one less excuse. Try not to use the one, "I have to feed the dog" because i know you don't have one, unless you are referring to your latest girlfriend.... hehe!

run it boy!

Bought a sweet new laptop. I'm almost ashamed as to how much I spent on it. I don't know if it's going to prove to be a good investment, but we shall see.

Hopefully this week will be run more smoothly than the past week. Lets see… Someone left a nice 8” long streak on my bumper because they were too stupid to parallel park correctly. I chipped a tooth on a piece of sourdough bread (I will have to see a dentist about this one). We did not have hot water in our building as a result of a boiler failure, Friday morning until last night (We resorted to taking baths by boiling water on the stove and pouring it into the tub). Finally, I keep getting these itchy fucking spider(?) Bites on me (Although it has been a couple of days since the last one… Dare I say the bug is dead).

Anyway I am really looking forward to the Khan. Elrock, that is sweet about the Iron Stain concert. I think the best though is that you saw Lemmy! Nice! Yeah, I am going to see ye olde Bad Religion in early September. Duran Duran too. Yee Haw, Jester’s Dead.

Hey guys are there any games you want Ja-eL and I to bring?


i start my new job next tuesday. YAY! (how do you spell yah-ayyy ? i know its not "yeah.")
I. Ron Maidington III

Yes, infact I did have something better than gaming to do last night, I had Iron Maiden to behold at the Long Beach Arena! Quick synopsis as I am at work early and am very sleepy and have work to do anyhow:

- They played with Dio (as in Ronnie James Dio from Rainbow) and Mötorhead!!!!!
- It was worth the price of admission to see Motorhead play Ace of Spades, live.
- The last time I saw Iron Maiden was with Anthrax in 1990 and I think that was the last time they played Long Beach Arena, seemingly.
- Metal people like metal music. It's their lifestyle, it's what they are. Something to be said about that.
- I saw: a guy named Joe Boyle that Ryan and I played waterpolo with in HS, Paul Garcia who is a friend that I went to computer school with sat two rows ahead of us, and the tall weird friend of David Spade that sings and stuff from everyone's favorite NBC smash hit Just Shoot Me (which I actually liked). He was there wearing a Dawn of the Dead T-Shirt.
- They played only one new song, the rest were classics (mostly). Rockin'!
- Quote of the night," Please don't forget us, we're old, we're not dead. Thank You, good night!" - Lemmy, Motorhead

More to come from Ryan I assume....

Monday, August 25, 2003


I am going crazy without gaming. I called up Aeryk tonight but he was busy with something admittedly cooler (maybe he or Rdub will blog the tale). So I cut out a bunch of my Steve Jackson Cavern Floors, a bunch of Creature Counters, and then played a game of Battle Cry by myself. It was a hat trick of loneliness! I even looked at some porn for good measure.

Anyway, yeah yeah, life's tough. I'm psyched about the con! Yee-ah! I'm especially excited to play my fine new game, Mutant Chronicles! I'm halfway inclined to run Arcana Unearthed, but I know that wouldn't work out. Eh, we'll find other things to do.

Rudy, it's in LA, so hop on that bus! Also, mad prAz0rs to Darw1n ok thx

i havent seen it, but that movie looks FUCKED up! And dumb. But mostly just fucked up. Hey, is the con down here or up in San Fran? I wanna visit maybe! I dont have a car but I could probably figure out some kind of public transportation nightmare. Have a wonderful B-Day Jawn, just in case I dont make it!

Tomorrow morning is the time theyre supposedly going to call me about this job, so send prayers to kootooloo and darwin for me!

I don't have anything against stereotypes.... cuz it's TRUE!

what up dawgs... I went to the 94.9 comedy jam on saturday. Kinda pricy with tickets selling at 75 bucks... but it was truly worth it. Maybe not every penny, i'm sure 35 bucks of it was capitalistic greed markup, and I probably would have thought it be great had it been free. But the jokes were very funny and talked about everything, from Obeise people, AKA fluffy, or DAAAMN!, to Movie Arnold shwartzenegger parodies, how to give good head, to not giving preferential treatment to retarded people due to equality.

There were woman of all ages, sizes, and hotties who were in a class all by themselves. There were some sweet booties to go enough to feed the hungry.

Aron, you ready for the con this weekend?


Sunday, August 24, 2003


i took classes at L.A.C.C. thru the community services department a few months back. pretty good classes and all, but my folks also know how to do it, so they've also showed me some sweet moves. i have a lady-friend who took classes at the same time as me (but in pasadena) so we go dancing together- its fun. im still waaaay bad compared to most of the people at the clubs, but its fun as hell and i wana get better. im probably like a 7-8 Salsa stat, but i'd love to bump it up to a 12. I'd imagine having an 18 Salsa would cause your cock to fall off from all the ass you'd get. RAAR!

ADDED: Best club for dancing is Club1821. Worst song ever: the one in the Coors Light commercial where its all "I LIKE TWIIIINS! YAAR!" So.Fucking.Worthless.GOD.
blood on the coals

Ah... didn't manage to stay awake long enough to see it! I woke up at 7:30 yesterday, so I conked out pretty early. Oh well.

Who'd you go salsa dancing with? Just guys or did you have girls that you could fall back to dance with (what Jon Tong calls "home base").

Where'd you take your class?


I went to Brookblurst yesterday and picked up some of those Steve Jackson cardboard dungeon tiles as well as some character counters. They're cool, but when I was using the X-acto knife to cut things I found myself balancing my finger on the back of the blade. I cut things yesterday and my finger still feels kind of numb!! Do you think I did permanent nerve damage to myself?

I'm getting fired up for BirthdayCon! Yee-ah! (Sound that Ice Cube makes when he sees the cereal in "Friday.")
mad tv

i got your message this morninging Oystersen, so I didnt see "The Folksmen" on Mad TV last night doing the song "Blood On The Coals." How was it? Just the idea of the song was hilarious enough! I went Salsa dancing in Culver City on Friday- preeeety fun. I gotta go crap right now, later!