
Wednesday, August 27, 2003

mr. fixit

Well, tomorrow I'm supposed to go over and look at a li'l old lady's computer. This is for pay, mind you. Anyway, as is the way of the elderly who do not commit their precious life energy to keeping abreast of new technology, she had some trouble describing exactly what the problem was. But it basically sounds like Outlook is freezing, possibly (but not necessarily) as a result of having many programs open. My problem is that while I'm pretty good at fooling around with computers generally, once things start getting really detailed, I can get a little lost. I'm also not very experienced with either Win XP or network shtuff.

Anyway, I know (and was reminded by Mr. Hessel, who was kind enough to talk to me while dealing with hellish traffic) to update everything, scan everything, etc.. But if the freezing problem persists after that, what kind of actions do people recommend? Do people know any good web resources for assisting with troubleshooting? I'd especially like to hear from Mike on this one.

Supar-psyched for Friday! I've been playing Battle Cry vs. the only opponent good enough to challenge me... myself!!! So far it's Union 1, Confederate 1. Who will win the rubber match tonight?

As a certain skeleton once said, TIME WILL TELL!!