
Saturday, July 05, 2003

A fantastic new money-making enterprise!

Here, at long last, is the Ragnar store! With a cafepress markup of 0%, this store is sure to keep me rolling in dough for hours to come!

Click here and let the shopping frenzy begin!

For all you Seagalogists...

Here a hilarious review of the new straight-to-video Steven Seagal movie, if that kind of thing floats your boat....

Friday, July 04, 2003

One-mile run.
One-mile paddle.
Pound six beers without throwing up.

From Iron Boy to Iron Man

For whatever reason... I decided to do the Iron Man with Mr. Ziskin this year. At 10:00 I'm at his parents' place with an entire house full of space filler... folks from Boston, from MIT, wherever. Only four of us are doing it this year... me, Ziskin, Harris, and a buddy of Matt's. We bring our six beers down for checkin... a girl with enormous tits and a shirt reading "Lifeguard" takes our $10 and gives us numbered bags... we head back and grab boards....

The big event: we put our boards down, and we're near the last to get there so our boards are around Longfellow (the race starts at the 28th street lifeguard tower). Everybody is a skinny, whippy surfer type... the amount of bare flesh on display would drive Buffalo Bill wild... we deposit our bags of beer (I'm #239) near our judge, who has passed out once today already, judge 16, a squat man covered in tattoos, deeply tan, wearing a leopard hat... the only one taking this seriously is Harris, who got 5th place one year and was totally psyched....

At some point the race begins... announced by a former mayor of Hermosa... we all take off running. My compatriots leave me in the sand (not surprising). I run by several highschoolers... at 4th street in MB (the street MZ lives on) we turn around, appoximately, and turn back... I'm near last in the run but my board is parked closer than most so I get in the water ahead of a good 1/3 of the others.

Paddling... I haven't been out on a board in years... 30 minutes of sheer agony. I turn around 10 yards in front of the 4th street tower... my triceps haven't hurt this bad since, ever.

After an eternity I park my board on the beach... I'm among the last 20 for sure... takes me forever to find my friends and I start pounding Coors lite... it's not even fun... it gets fun when I dump half of number five, drink the rest, give #6 to Ziskin, then chug half of his friend's #6 and throw up copious amounts of still-carbonated beverage plus yellow-and-red bits of melon I ate this morning....

The post-party... awards are given for Best Puke... Casey Glen, who threw up then rolled around in it, gets robbed... a punk band starts up with Bro Hymn, then Search & Destroy, then countless more generic tunes, many of which have "South Bay" worked into the lyrics... high school blondes in patriotic bikinis are everywhere...around this point I'm hammered... a mosh pit begins, somebody throws a Budweiser can into the air which spirals around spitting droplets of beer, each drop perfectly framed against the hazy blue sky... the guy in front of me has "fuck you" tattooed on his back, the guy next to him has "South Bay" running down his spine... flags everywhere... I'm numb....

I now own a shirt! On the front is a woman with four eyes. On the back it says "run smart! paddle smart! drink smart! puke smart!"

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Are you readey for challengings?

Its notorius to see every day websites and websites being disfigured some for hacktivism acts others only for fun others without apparent reason.

But the fact is who is the best one of all?

Who could participate of this challenge and leave victorious person? This only depends You defacer!

Thats from that "Defacers Challenge" that they've been talking about on the news today- supposedly a contest for hackers to hack boo-koo sites on July 6th! Sounds cool!

-This only depends You defacer!
just becareful

i dunno, but it seems like its gonna take a lot longer than 5 hours to drive up there this weekend! maybe u can take monday off from work and come back then. anyways, u guys have fun gamin' n shit and i'll try to visit u jael on the next trip!

-note to self: don't be an asshole.

Hey Jael... I won't be up this weekend. Thought I posted it a couple days ago? I forget.

But everyone says they want to come up some other time, so we'll do it then! Maybe when I get back from Hawaii.
Yeah.. i'm really not much of a BDay junkie

I think I stopped celebrating bdays since er... junior high? I usually keep it on the D/L. Didn't mean to spring it on you guys like that. I figure there wouldn't be a way to get together anyhow, so thanks for the thoughts fellas!

Anyhow, Jon, have fun trekking down! hehe... or have you wisened up? If you haven't, I Hope to see you here, my good friend!


Well it only took me like 3 hours but finally I managed to combine a half-assed knowledge of Photoshop, having to use a scanner on my windows pc and then email the jpgs to my mac, and figuring out the cafepress website to make a neato lunchbox. If you guys all promise to be my friends maybe I'll show you tomorrow, plus give you candy. I'm the hippest kid since Peter Kuntz!

Aaron. I drive like the wind when I'm alone. Given a straight road and clear conditions I average about 85. So that's why I remember my Palo Alto/Fremont trips as going relatively quickly I think.

Did you have a new Skeletonr that got smushed? How sad.

Eric: Spycraft is the shit! I thought it was a boring "serious" spy game but it looks totally fun! It would be SO EASY to run an Action Team Spycraft game, especially with the Archer book!!!!!!!

Happy birthday Johnny! Soon I'll be 28. I feel like a fucking creaky old man.

Hi to everyone else, even little Jimmy!
29... D'oh!

I think Mike and I are the Only ones that will make it to 29 this year. Jael, I didnt know it was yo Bday. Happy Bday you!

Going to bed early and not eating sucks. Now I am wide awake and hungry.

Foodland. Yes!
Thanks Rude

it makes me feel even better when you ADD two years on my existing age. Wunderful!

I thought menopause begins at 30? That's when you start to forget things and you can't get hard, even if Pamela andersen says she'd suck your nuts blue.


Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Gizmo Sez:

-Happy Birthday, Jael!

29 ain't that old bro! Life begins at 30, remember!

Howza. I'm Howza. or HOLYSHIT!

Here's some pretty g-damn funny stuff:

Go to google.com

type in: weapons of mass destruction (without any quotes)

and press the "I'm feeling lucky" button.

And read very carefully.

The low down...

Johnny's place from Jon's: 374.31 miles. Distance Aaron drove from the 405 onramp in LA to the off ramp in downtown SF: 390.2 miles. Traffic in LA: moderate until Santa Clarita (35-60 mph typical). Total Travel Time: 5hrs 8min. Typical Speed on the 5: 85-90 miles an hour while not in traffic in LA or SF. Traffic on the 5: Light. Pit stops: 0. Traffic in SF: Light. Speed on 580/80/101 (Freeways from 5 to SF): 80 mph average. Best Friday night time... 6hrs 30 min. 30-45 mph in LA. 85 up the grapevine with a shit load of weaving through traffic. Very aggressive driving with spurts of 90-95 mph. One break for gas. Best time ever: 4hrs 34min for that same trip. Speeds on the 5: 90-105mph. Jon, I dont think 5 hours would work for you, especially given your tendency not to have a heavy foot. Besides, my experiences on holiday weekends have been less than pleasent on the 5. 8 hours on saturday may not be a good estimate.. I would say more like 6-7. Sunday afternoon on the otherhand, I would say 7-9 hours. There is an alternate route, but it is a lot slower, a two lane highway with a 50 mph speed limit and a lot of turns and slow traffic. Then there is the 101. Either one is a slower route. Pick your poison. Ohhh.. yeah the He-Man figures are dame cool. Too bad my Skeletor got run over.. BOO!!!!

In other news, Rudy I have not been on ICQ because I was in LA/asleep/@work without ICQ from Thursday bedtime to wednesday (Now). And I am still sick and will not turn on ICQ today. I feel like shit. GOnna take a nap now. Speaking of which, I will make a team when I feel up to it.

paging all erics

Yo yo! Do you feel like possibly getting together after dinner tonight for some (non Blood bowl) gaming purposes?

Also, is your digital camera working?


the new mac blogger interface is way shittier than the new pc one!

there were female photographers, so it's cool

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Crazy Link that won't work unless you are a NYTimes member


I think we should report mykals friend. He probably attributed to part of this statistic.

Yeah.... I actually saw some of rudies game last night and the slaughter that occurred. He really had no chance against the undead. With a few unfortunate hits, rudy only has 11 players and for the most part of the game he was playing 2-3 man short.

Last night, I went to a birthday party and I got totally trashed. I think I had something called a Sake Bomb or something llike that. But what it was, was a cup of hot sake, dropped in beer and then chugged down. I have to admit, the japanese beer taste pretty good... very smooth, less bitterness. Some people enjoy the bitterness, but not me. I think I had like 3-4 beers... good fun was had. I have a splitting headache right now.

Jon, Palo alto is pretty close by my house, I'd say another 45 minutes. but it's parralel, so if it only takes you 5 hours to get to palo alto, then it should take you 5 hours to get to my house. You are certainly welcome. However, remember it'll be july 4th weekend, and traffic will be merciless.

Saw the movie Old school and Reservoir dogs. Good movies... Old shcool was pretty funny, there are alot of comical moments, none all too memorable. I liked the Streaking part, the part where he gets laid by a highschooler, the pledging /hazing portions, and of course Blue. A-

Reservoir dogs was a little gruesome to me, and a little too much madness. I don't really enjoy movies like those. Especially when he cut off the guys ear and poured gasoline all over him. yechh. B+


The Big Coffin Hunters will be missed

- But I think they will still hang around... Arsenal looks forward to meeting Tick-Tock Man, Jake and Eddie in future matches! Maybe a version 2.0 release of the team?

- Also, found out that the Action Group can have scores represented and modified my me (the group creator), so it might be fun, now that everone has a bit of a taste for the game, to switch their teams race, create a brand new team, and only play within each other with these new teams for a small league! I think that would be fun anyway, and it would still allow the other teams to play open games, just not these league teams. Or maybe everyone is allowed one or two open matches. Any comments or ideas?

- I don't want to give up Arsenal so easily, but I will. Hmmm, which other UEFA team can I rip off next....

- Gotta get Mike in on this whole BB thang. And Ryan too. And Jon too. Heh heh, right.
slacking at work gotta type super-fast

I know I've made the trip to Palo Alto several times in less than five hours. Or is Palo Alto much closer than SF and Fremont?

"Lil Lebowski Urban Achievers," holy shit I laughed at that! Exccept silentyly cause I'm at work! NO time to fix typos!


I didn't talk about this? It's the NEW trapjaw! He's super-cool! Basically the same as the other one except a little bit streamlined. He still has the hole in his helmet that you can put a string into and then slide him down! (And then take the string down so that he can get away....) I like the new He-Man figures, they're cool-looking while still being true to the old designs. (And Orko actually looks really cool!) The only problem is there are like 30 types of He-man and Skeletor (Urban Achiever Skeletore etc.) and not enough of the old guys a la MOSS MAN! They do have Ram Man but no Buzz Off yet. I'm pretty sure he's coming! I'm only getting Trapjaw, though. He was one of my favorite figs of all time (up there with SNaggletooth) so I just couldn't resist.

He's currently employed holding pens on my desk.
cuz they think its 3rd edition!

the people bidding are like: "Wow, this must be some ultra-rare Space Hulk! Maybe its like a limited edition version! RAAR!" When they get it and see its 2nd ed, youre FUCT!

Think I'm gonna retire the BCHs. Played against some undead tonight and most of my team was RUINED:

#15 Jonas (Miss Game)
#13 Roland (Miss Game)
#13 Roland (Niggling Injury)
#5 Tick-Tock Man (Miss Game)
#6 Rhea (Miss Game)

It just got dumb, and when I was down to 3 guys and he was kicking off, I just had to concede. Didnt want any more injurys- no deaths, but might as well have been! So I made a Norse team (Lil Lebowski Urban Achievers) and they should hopefully rox.


PS: Enron- I saw you on icq ONE night, and then never again- u that sick???

wow.... 66.99 plus 10 dollars shipping and handling

Now I had wish I purchased more sets of Space hulk 2nd ed. I only bought one at a 25% discount for a total of 40 dollars. I am getting 66.99, not bad at all.


Monday, June 30, 2003

Rud Foal

I didn't even make it to Fremont in 5 hours going like 85 - 90mph at night when there was no traffic! 375 miles from Hermosa Beach to Johnny's doorstep. To arrive in 5 hours is an average of 75mph the entire way, from start to finish, no time allotted for pee pee breaks, gas stops, surface street driving, stop lights, traffic, etc. Sir, I shall say that it is ALMOST impossible to make a trip from here to Fremont in 5 hours! Unless my math is faulty, which it could very well be...

New meaning NEW or new meaning new to you? aka is it the original with the purple springy jaw and grappling hook-arm-shooter? If so, thats pretty kewl. If not, any iteration of Trapjaw is probably going to be pretty cool, too. I just can't wait for them to release my favorite: Buzz-Off.
I'll just wait another weekend, then

If other people would like to go up another weekend, then I'll wait. It's no big deal. I still don't think it would take me more than 5 hours to get to Fremont, though.

Aaron, you should be proud to know, I built all my dice by myself! Of course, we'll never play it because we only play a certain game that rhymes with "rud foal" these days... oh well, I can always play with my new Trapjaw action figure!
A message to you, RY RY

Hey, you like Jets To Brazil? I'm just gettin' into them right now. I got the first album and its really good! My fave songs are: Chinatown, Starry Configuration, and I Type For Miles. Good shit. Play some BloodBowel dude!

- Rye-Ot!
Post Master General

Well, no one get the cold or flu or what ever I have. It just never quits. Started as a head cold, then it seemed to subside after a few days, then it became a chest cold, now it is both. Yeah! Rule! At least I do not have work until wednesday. In the mean time I am sitting on my Arse at my moms house.

David's party was good. Large turn out (~130 ppl), the food was good (ala Good Stuff), alcamahol was tasty and not over served (Except for a couple people). I got to talk with a lot of people I havent seen in months. Fun schtuffen.

All you monkey's should come visit. That would rock. Just give me and Johnny advance notice so we can prep the unmarked grave sites in the desert for you guys.. I mean the prep the great pie dessert for you guys. Yeah that.

Eric Rudy, jon AND RYAN!

You guys are all welcome in to come on a SF trip and crash at my place!!!! Good to hear from you ryan! You hardly post after your whole victory in your championship waterpolo game! I guess technically you are on summer vacation.

Post, post, so that I know you are alive! How's it hangin?

In other worldly and unearthly news, I smashed a goblin team yesterday evening, 2-0 and gained lots of new skills! yah, also bought a new blitzer.
it's great!

Aaron - how did the graduation go for your little brother?


Sunday, June 29, 2003

Eric, Rudy and Jon... Eric, Rudy and Jon... . What about me? Am I invited? I still READ TAT web site, even though I don't post. Count me in on an SF trip, just not this weekend.
Improvement.... but still no cure

Oreck, I beg to differ. My dear colleague, the riddles answer lies in knowing the problem. By downloading the latest Java soft version, the blood bowl game no longer crashes during every touchdown!!! However,.. sadly the problem relapses during halftime. Understanding that it is the Java software though, allows me to Isolate the problem and attempt to address it, and perhaps if posted on the forum, someone may come up with a coding that will fix this problem. Granted, inherently it may be an issue of Sun's software and unfixable but at least we KNOW it is Sun's software.

Jon, Actually I Agree with Eric on this one... Driving down on July 4 th weekend, is almost crazy, then having to drive back on Sunday is absolutely insane. But then again... were all a little crazy sometimes! So I can't speak for you, but maybe we should plan this another weekend, whereas both eric, rudy and you can all drive together.