
Monday, June 30, 2003

Rud Foal

I didn't even make it to Fremont in 5 hours going like 85 - 90mph at night when there was no traffic! 375 miles from Hermosa Beach to Johnny's doorstep. To arrive in 5 hours is an average of 75mph the entire way, from start to finish, no time allotted for pee pee breaks, gas stops, surface street driving, stop lights, traffic, etc. Sir, I shall say that it is ALMOST impossible to make a trip from here to Fremont in 5 hours! Unless my math is faulty, which it could very well be...

New meaning NEW or new meaning new to you? aka is it the original with the purple springy jaw and grappling hook-arm-shooter? If so, thats pretty kewl. If not, any iteration of Trapjaw is probably going to be pretty cool, too. I just can't wait for them to release my favorite: Buzz-Off.