
Saturday, March 08, 2003

Yeah, that's great

Kudos Eric.

Anyway, sorry about the spotty blogging lately boys. I apologize. Boooooeterson. My life has been cool lately... haven't really done any Boston job-searching. I still want to go but it's awfully hard to get the motivation when you see the city on the news and it's encased in ice like Mr. Freeze got to it.

Work has been pretty whatever. We were working on the Dark Angel box set. Man, that is a shitty show. Full of Jessica Alba shaking her head all sassy and saying, "You go, girlfriend" in as convincing a manner as Ricki Lake. She isn't even that hot. Her legs look like twigs. A lot of guys say they like her lips, but I say they're just riper for the punchin'.

Er, also I saw Daredevil. Pretty okay, but the ads are REALLY misleading in terms of Elektra's role in it. You know how Elektra and Daredevil are together on the poster, pretty much equally? If the poster actually reflected how much Elektra is in the movie, she would be down in the bottom-right corner, just part of her head, visible right beneath the legal information at the bottom. The fighting she does isn't even that great. Other than that it's a pretty good movie. A lot of people hate Ben Affleck, but I don't, mainly because I stay away from the movies he's in that look shitty (which is all of them except maybe Chasing Amy).

Anyway, yay marriage. I saw the rock tonight, nice work Hemo! Soon you will have a kind and caring nursemaid to administer coagulants during your frequent bleeding outbreaks.

Friday, March 07, 2003

Yeah... congratulations AGAIN. YAY. *sigh*

(Will have to keep that up for at least a FEW more days.) J/K BFF :)

Anyways, thought this was somewhat cool: Rockstar games has made GTA1 freeware through their site HERE. The site has been pretty slammed all day long, but I just got through and I'm downloading the 300+ meganutz file now. I guess they've updated it to all the new direct X stuff and OPs. So, maybe it'll be good. Good lick!

Mattel Humor: Hehe, pretty funny article from Humor is Dead about Mattel: HAR HAR HAE CLiCK
HI - larius


I tried connecting a link, but the link wouldn't work. You have to cut and paste.

quick comment to Aaron on Band of Brothers:
Try not to waste too much of your precious life on this series unless it's free and your getting Hannibal Boob Office. I accidentally dropped down 3.95 at blockbusters and thinking that it was a movie and rented the first episode. It wasn't hanus, just wasn't worth the 3.95 rental fee. We should definitely get inebriated this weekend in honor of Eric and Leslie. I propose, we should find reasons to get inebriated every weekend. Lets get together and Cheel. Coolio. You know, we should plan something though this time around. I say we take up surfing lessons at santa cruz or something. Anyhow, there's a new Yan Can franchise fast food (yan can cook) in san jose we can go for lunch.

Ruel... name change? How's your job search coming dood?

Speaking of retirement homes, I can't wait to be retired so I can say "Man I'm retired!... but sometimes I'm just tired"

Man, I'm out of it for a little while, and everyone gets delusions of marriage!

I always knew it would be you amongst us who was first, you smooth guy you! Wow, one step closer to the retirement home is right, but hey, we can play games together all the time when we get there, so roll on retirement. (never mind the respirator) Who says we can't have nek'd sex parties -- just because you're married, doesn't mean that you can't be there, just that you can't partake in the fruits of the million girls that Jon P and Ja-el invite - loser! Wait, I can't do that either... hmmm.

On the serious side -- many congrats! You couldn't have found a better other half, and I give you my Blessing (Enchantment) Clr 1, Pal 1 -- may you have +1 from now on (but in particular on attack rolls and against fear induced morale checks). Man, I'm so happy for you guys -- if a little weirded out. Have you set a date yet? Be sure to let me know, cause I'll fly home for it!

Wow, this kinda blows the rest of my blog out of the water, so I'll just apologize for being bad-no-blog-boy for a while -- quick summary of excuses Perl, Quake III/GtkRadiant/AutoCAD Paper due/ Rowing - Bumps intense training - Job as Entertainments officer

Livedeheesiarp (Pronouned: Ylivits'nearp!)

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Horray! Man, I am so happy for you guys! That is cool. Have you guys set the date yet? Fuck! That is awesome! Anyway, I am leaving tomorrow morning to spend a week in Arizona to watch the miserable Cubs loose. Fuckers. Anyway, congrats again.

Shit or get off the pot, indeed.

...and so the first of the mighty have fallen.

One more step to the old folks home for you Elric. Next thing you know... Elric: "Hey guys, I just got me some sweet dentures, check'em out!"

Seriously though, Congrats Eric! Three Cheers.

Eric it is time to put into place a Leslie filter. From now on everything must be typed in Hexadecimal. I will even write us little text <-> Hexadecimal converters. That way the missus can not infiltrate topics like going to the tit farm and such things that married men and married men to be do. If Leslie was not wise to the phrase "going to Jack in the Box" ( /me winks ), I'd say it was the perfect guise for future debauchery.

Damn, That is coolio though.

Alright back to pissing away my time: Band of Brothers.

I Am Now Free!!!

No way man, the Valentine's day stuff is OVER!!! You only do that before you're married, once you're married, all bets are off! Some flowers and a card, and I'm out the door to the con! Woo-Hoo! Nah, after marriage we just become roommates and after time, we sleep in separate beds, have separate affairs, separate houses, you know, the normal stuff, so I got nothing but time for gaming now!

If you're reading this Leslie, I love you honey, just kidding......

Man is incomplete until he is married. After that he is finished.

Congratulations! Best of luck to you and your wife-to-be!

Holy Smokes Batman!

Yknow, since I'm the first to blog and see this, I'll be the first to ask from all your fellow gamers and nerds and I know it's what everyone wants to know...
Did that Hockey puck hit you 58 times in the head?!? (Excluding the 3 that actually missed and landed in the goal?) =D Seriously, Wow, that's great man. What made you do it? you know the good thing about this is, now when Jon P and I DO INVITE a million hot chicks to crazy nekkid sex parties were 1 Danish invite short. ha!
Just some stuff to think about... (wink)

Think of all the games you won't have time to play...
All the Feb 14th Conventions you'll miss out on, cuz you actually have to go to a candlelight dinner
All the miniatures you can't paint... blood bowl, Battle cry...
Big Eds?
Paintball.. (family trip with kids maybe)
Surfing at 6 in the morning? forget it...

Congratulations Eric!

Ball and Chain To Be

It's finally official, as of last night Leslie and I are engaged! Sorry to break the news via the ole Blogger Nogger, but its just easier for me from work, so no more crazy naked sex parties for me, well actually, I'm not married YET, so infact, we should try and fit in as many crazy naked sex parties as we can BEFORE I am married... oh wait, we have never had a crazy naked sex party.

But seriously, we are engaged and happy, so I'll blog to y'all later!

And, we have a puppy too. We are housing a puppy until it can be adopted by someone else, or by us.... He was either going to be killed last night, or stay with us. We chose option B. He's what appears to be a Dalmation Shepherd Mix.

Yikes! I'm engaged!

Wednesday, March 05, 2003


Why is it that some times Blog takes forever to post my responses sometimes or it takes the next post to kick the next post?

Blogger Nogger
Blog this Elric... My Dick! Damn!!!!

Has anyone seen Band of Brothers? I have no HoBO so I have not had the oppertunity to check it out. Elric, I will totally be there for sunday party action. I mean I will totally be there. In spirit. I mean do not even sweat it, I will be there. Spiritually I mean.

Speaking of hanging... Ja -El, we need to cheell this weekend. Are you free this Saturday? Give me a head. Confirmation! I mean confirmation.

Yeah well 5th grade would be nice. Too bad.

61 Shots?! Nice D. Let in only 3? 951, Damn good percentage. Fuggin' Kings. I have decided the new phrase is now: Chopper, Suck Kings.

I like Food, Food Tastes Good.
The Action Blog Team Sux
We need to step it up and blog more often gentlemen. I have been busy as shit, but that doesn't mean I couldn't blog here and there, particulary now that I am taking a term off from the masters. No one else has any excuses. No one. No one is busy except me. ONLY me. Enron has DSL, so he can't moan about it. Steve-I'm-Steve is unemployed so should be bloging 24/7. Jael hates his job so should be blogging too. Ragnar, he has an Apple so he sohuld blog too. Motorbichael, he lives in England, the hottest of hot beds for blogging, so he should too. R-Dub, he's just a loser that is working 4 jobs, so he has no excuses. Step it up, losers.

- My body is a wreck. Last night, the terrible hockey team that I am on gave up 61 shots on goal. 61. That's not okay. I was standing on my head and only let 3 in, including overtime. My team sucks, and I am a rad player, the stats tell me so. But seriously, my knees and elbow are totally blown. Arthritis, here I come!

- I have been having a small "dialogue" with the l33t h4x0rz. Mostly he has been calling me names and suggesting that we are all in 5th grade. I wish.

- I am signed up for the trial of AudioBlog. I get to post one audio message via telephone that will post on the website for everyone to hear. Then I think it's $3 a month for 12 messages. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for my kewl message!

- Battle Cry Update: One Union unit painted, and 2 hex's o terrain finished. I am slow, but without school, I have more time!

- I think I'll be free sunday if anyone wants to party.

- More new coming....

Monday, March 03, 2003

I'll be the first to say it.... ewwwwwwwwww gross =D

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Video Review: Slots with Video Poker hosted by James Coburn

Now normally The Wave Magazine is pretty shitty, but this one is full of jems such as Video Review: Slots with Video Poker hosted by James Coburn. The last couple paragraphs really make this article, but read the first parts first.

Thanks for the tip Rudy. What is really wierd is that I found that exact same site yesterday after I posted that blog. Even more bizarre is that they will sell codes for unlocking your stereo for $15 when you can go to the dealership and get it for free if I pull the radio myself. 15$ or free? Oh well. To make a long story short I have my code now. I gave up on the code breaking endeavor.

Ohh how about this. There is this column in the SF weekly called Savage love. Check out this post:

Dear Dan:

I like to suck the snot out of my wife's nose when we're having sex. Is there a name for this "move"?

Taste o' Phlegm

Dear TOP:

This "move" is called "mucophagy," and here's the skinny on your icky fetish from Brenda Love's exhaustive and exhausting Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices: "Consuming nasal mucosa is done as a matter of course in nasolingus. Others may engage in mucophagy because of the implied self degradation, or simply the novelty of it. Like consumption of other body secretions, mucophagy can be used to demonstrate total acceptance and love of a partner."

Seriously wrong.
