
Thursday, March 06, 2003

Holy Smokes Batman!

Yknow, since I'm the first to blog and see this, I'll be the first to ask from all your fellow gamers and nerds and I know it's what everyone wants to know...
Did that Hockey puck hit you 58 times in the head?!? (Excluding the 3 that actually missed and landed in the goal?) =D Seriously, Wow, that's great man. What made you do it? you know the good thing about this is, now when Jon P and I DO INVITE a million hot chicks to crazy nekkid sex parties were 1 Danish invite short. ha!
Just some stuff to think about... (wink)

Think of all the games you won't have time to play...
All the Feb 14th Conventions you'll miss out on, cuz you actually have to go to a candlelight dinner
All the miniatures you can't paint... blood bowl, Battle cry...
Big Eds?
Paintball.. (family trip with kids maybe)
Surfing at 6 in the morning? forget it...

Congratulations Eric!
