
Thursday, December 25, 2003

monkey nutz

Dont let all these granola smoking monkeys convince you that I dont like Xmas. I love Xmas. Yeah the shopping is stressful and the people you have to deal with on the streets and in malls suck sometimes, but mostly you have to realize everyone else is in the same boat as you. Looking for the gift for that one person. Anyway, Christmas Eve and day is a great day for me. My family is all together, everyone is in a good mood. Even Carrie and David mostly put there shit aside. Anyway I like Xmas, even though the marketing world has perverted it a bit.

Tomarrow I will be around. Anyone want to hang? Call me on my cell since I may not get access to theactionteam. If you dont have my cell call 1-800-vikings and he will give you the four11.