
Friday, December 19, 2003

Happy Festivus to all.

Ya! Sorry I didn't get to see any of you guys at the convention - believe it or not, I had left Saturday open for it but OHHHHH i'm just an asshole like that. :( I wanna see strippers!!!

My cell phone number again: 3 two 3 eight 4 juan 6 se7en 6 seven. My old phone is LONG dead - so, update if u plz. I still need updated cellys from some of j00z.

I've been working a lot - lots of overtime - couple of 14 hour days every week- its a fucking drain. I wanna see you guys - are any of you meeting this sunday? i'll be seeing my folks and my buddy dore on sunday, so ill be in the neighborhood mostly, so maybe i can take the scion down there for a bit.

good luck with the ladee jahknee! thatd be cool if u could hook that up.

whatever happened to the pyramid scheme erlock was talking about? i want info! maybe if i meet up with some of u - my company was offering employees stock at 20% off up until today - they just went public or something. they (Thomson Group) are a mega-corp, so i dont really know if its worth buying stock in a big ass company like that. help me out PLZ.

new drink: Morroccan Mint Tea from Coffee Bean - its pretty good. Its like a mocha but feels less "heavy" (its green tea instead of cafe w/ chocolate.) I've also been drinking a shitload of Chai - mmm. My girlfriend makes it every morning - rad!

- c u l8rz al-e-gay-torz

PS Initial D is gooood. If you like weird racing cartoons.