
Wednesday, December 03, 2003

The Action Investment Team

We should start an investment club. Seriously. I'm working on the details right now (research) but loosely it would be as follows:

- A fee to buy in for each member which is then used as the working capital for the club.
- A monthly due per meeting to be used to buy more stocks, or if we can't decide on a new stock, to be put in the cash account for later use.
- Monthly meetings, one way or another, ICQ, conference call for those of us out of town, face to face, whatever.
- Each meeting one or two members decides on a stock they think is strong and offers it to the club. Then we vote to either buy or not.
- Then we get some money (I haven't read about that part just yet, meaning I don't know how the profits are distributed, tax issues, law crap, etc.)
- The goal being an education for everyone one the topic of money as well as experience with making money and creating a nice nest egg for everyone.

I think we would be good at it and it would be fun. No, it would NOT be a get rich quick way of investing but it would be a good way to learn the stock market, which is one of the main reasons people get in these clubs, most are trading neophytes. We have such a diverse set of skills and interests I think we would compliment each other well.

I'm dead serious about this. Thoughts?

Feel free to shoot it down, I think those that don't immediately crap on it and think on it will profit from it and have a good time doing it!