
Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Aaron likes computer research projects

And since he likes them so much, I would like to send him on the adventure of a lifetime. Aaron, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find me a ROM of Dark Castle for the Mac. I have, what I believe, is a Mac emulator all I need now is a ROM of the game and I am ready to revisit one of the greastest games ever made. I am salivating over the idea of chucking endless rocks at the Nyah-Nyah's (SP).

Alternatively, you could write me a floppy disk driver for a Unix system from scratch. Your choice.

Maybe Jon knows something of said game being available for the Mac in some form?

Also, we would easily be THE coolest gaming group if we had a Roman D20 in our possession. And even cooler if we brought it to GenCon and used it...