
Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Primary Slave Hard Disk Fail

In my continuing saga of computer difficulties this year, my other harddrive seems to have failed. AT least that is how it looks at first glimpse this morning during boot-up. This time my Maxtor drive ate it. I guess that one is getting old, a little over three years. What sucks is, that is the drive that has ALL of my mp3s I have burned from my collection and downloaded over the past 5 years. All told, about 12 gigs worth. D'oh!

Elrick: What system is Call of Duty for? Boba rule. What is funny is nobody advertises it as Boba here. It is just called Tapioca drinks here. Yet if I go into a place and say I want a Boba, they will look at me funny, but then they figure it out after a few seconds. My fave: Taro Tea. FOr the Intro I think we should have our own celebrity writer Mr Oetersen create us something. He could write Fuck Duex, a post humorous analysis and expansion of the 'great' Fuck! A discog would be cool, but what would we put in it, and in what medium?

I am already bored at work and I have only been here for 35 minutes. Stale. As the end grows near, more and more our job becomes Hurry up wait. With wait becoming the more dominate of the two.

Hard Drive, Suck Ballz