
Saturday, November 22, 2003

Hey Aaron, guess I never answered your GenCon RPG query a while back, so here’s a long post about gaming.

I’ve been thinking that GenCon would be a good time to haul out some of the cool games that we’ve never played. I’ve decided against running D&D for three reasons. First of all, we don’t know what player availability is going to be like, and I don’t want to worry about either being short (of players) or of having to exclude people that weren’t in the original gruppe. Second, I’m burnt-out on D&D. Third, I’ve run ten billion fantasy games and, while I love playing and running fantasy game, I’d like to stretch out my GM chops a little.

I think that I will come to GenCon prepared to run two or three things and realistically plan on running between 0-2 of them. Right off the bat, I have two things I’d like to play. The first is a classic Deadlands adventure that seems perfect for a one-shot. (Deadlands == Western + horror. It’s what the Doomtown card game was based on.) The second is an Unknown Armies one-off. (Unknown Armies == modern occult conspiracy--sometimes horror, sometimes not, but always dangerous.) Both of these are fine with 3-4 players but also have a “more the merrier” element.

Is there anything else people want to play? If anyone has a strong request for something that I have a good one-off for, I can try it....

Speaking of WFRP, funnily enough Aeryk and I have been talking about it a lot recently. We’re getting rather burnt out on D&D and are trying to convince the group to try either WFRP or a piratey game that I’ve recently become enamored with. So I’m into playing WFRP and might soon get a shot at it. But I’m sure that it would also be popular with the boys at GenCon and definitely would scratch that fantasy itch. Whaddya say Aeryk?

I’m also looking forward to board gaming (I recently got Puerto Rico, which I really like, and I have an urge to play Evo and Battle Cry). And of course general hanging out, checking out the dealer room, and whatever debauchery we put our poor bridegroom through. Yee-haw!