
Tuesday, October 07, 2003

New Record 7 viruses found!

on my computer. I was noticing a little slowdown but thought it was a small hiccup. So I think the viruses has been brewing on my computer for quite some time now. doh! Before I didn't feel it was necessary to put an anti virus scanner on my new Laptop. I guess I have been doing some pretty high risk activities, like searching for Warez, and downloadable shit like that. I've been visiting sites in russia, china, and probably even Bangladore!

Rich Dad Poor Dad eh!? Twas a Good book, how did you like it? I felt most of the anecdotes were really motivational rather than practical.

I am reading some books myself,

I want to check out the book called "Eragon"... written by a 15 year old, and is now the new best seller over the abundant Harry Potter books Yay!

Understanding Wall Street 3rd edition ****

Financial Planning *

The only investment guide you'll ever need ***

Finance and investement handbook ** (more of a reference guide really)

I put stars by them.... 1-5 ... 5 being the best

Oh by the way, jon and aaron... I read somewhere that the best way to launder money is to open a laundry shop, or in a suburban area a corner deli. Makes that magic skewer place kinda suspect eh? There are plenty of spaces in the mainstreet, why hide behind in a residential street?
