
Thursday, October 16, 2003

Heh... hey now....

Funny that you should mention "Better Luck Tomorrow". I just got that from my netflix rental queue and returned it last week. It would be funny if you got that right after I did. I found the whole "Academic Decathalon" thing hilarious. Just kept thinking how lame Fauver was (Yes, the man is a facist propaghandist for many reasons) and are Academic Decathalon leaders just all suck.

As for the Learner and Yakanishi incident, funny that they DID get caught, unlike the hoodlums in the show who seemingly got away with murder in the end, which seemed kinda ridiculous. Kill the guy, get the girl... eh... what-eva nigga. What a slut that girl was too... she probably likes it er... . yeah.

I was trying to find some similarities in the beginning but I think the similarities sorta ended with Asian, SAT's, Girls, Computer Products, and being smart... well, we can even skip the last one. Let's face it, I was never the token asian on the Mira costa basketball team, guess affirmative action back in the 80's were still a little new for a school like costa. I was never good at basketball anyhow but that's what AA's all about eh!? Plus the guys I hung out with, we didn't have guns or sold coke... although we should have... bad mistake.
