
Sunday, October 26, 2003

an fun time

So, another D&D game went to shit today, but it turned out all right. Me, Aeryk and Deniz Navidad got together and ended up playing the "Age of Mythologies" board game. A good time was had by all! It's basically a build-up-your-civilization-and-attack-the-others kind of game, and was good, if a bit long.

The other night I saw Matrix Reloaded again and liked it quite a bit more than I did originally. I still think the big freeway chase was about 5 minutes too long and the Agent Smith fight totally superfluous, but I really kind of hated the movie in the theater, and I really kind of liked it last night, so that's a step up.

Aeryk told me some guy ripped off my story idea for "Fuck." I'm going to kick the shit out of that fucker while wearing a leather jacket and puking.

update: check out this rpg.net thread for a pretty cool description of Caltech Ditch Day frivolity. Sometimes I wish I were smart....

he said what?

That Jay Leno story was funny as hell. I kept thinking about it today. That guy sounds like a jackass....