
Saturday, October 25, 2003

Cool News

Next year these bands, Green Day, NOFX, Alkaline Trio and others will unite to raise political awareness and encourage pop-punk fans to vote in the next presidential election — against George Bush. The groups will each contribute a track to the compilation Rock Against Bush and take part in at least one show on a tour organized and funded by NOFX singer/bassist Fat Mike, who also owns the label Fat Wreck Chords.


Sounds like a cool thing and I hope it gets thru to some of the friggin people in this country. I'm still in shock that Mr. Freeze is gonna be our governor. The Onion did it so good - Muslceman Put in Charge of 5th Largest Economy. Fuckin' scary. I caught a little bit of a repeat of Leno with Al Frankin on it (b4 the recall vote had gone thru) and he said:

Leno: So, what do you think about the recall election!?!?! (nods head up and down)

Al: Well, I'm a little afraid of Schwarzenegger winning - I know he's the front runner. I have a problem with what he said about Hitler. He said in an interview "I admire Hitler - he had great power as a public speaker." That's fine I suppose, but then he also said "I love what he did with it."

(Audience Silent)

Leno: (uncomfortable) He also said Hitler groped Gray Davis!!!

(More Silence)

Al: He said what?

Leno: Uh... bad joke.

It was so bad. I hate Leno. I always have - I just wanted to see how Al Frankin would do on his show - Leno is the worst.

In other news: I took a laxative-tea last night to see if it'd make me shit up a storm - still haven't gone yet! Anyways, as I was going to bed I started feeling really dehydrated and whatever - I had a long week, so I just conked right out. At about 3am I woke up with THE WORST HEADACHE IN MY LIFE. No shit. I thought I was having a tumor or something. I struggle to get some water - I downed 3 excedrin - and then I just layed there honestly thinking "maybe I'm dieing. What do I say if I dial 911" and other morbid thoughts. FINALLY - after maybe 20 mins - 30 min, it started to die down and I finally went back to bed. I think it was probably a migraine maybe? I was FUCKIN SCARED tho!!!!

Last random thing, I SWEAR:
Ben Weasal's blog. WHOA.