
Monday, October 06, 2003

As much as I hate to say it...

The trade of Canadian Diamonds has been comprimised, as has all the diamond industry. Even the Candian Government has admitted that a certain amount of black market "Blood" diamonds somehow get certified as Canadian, even though the true mining location of those diamonds was Serra Leonne (sp?) or other war torn countires. However, the Canadian branded trade is only comprised of a small percentage of these diamonds, but they do make it into circulation. On the DeBeers note... The DeBeers diamonds are probably almost as safe from blood trade. They have been actively trying to remove them from their supply chain, again unfortunately they have no way of fully blocking them. The worst place to get diamonds is from any other market. Those diamonds coming from Tel Aviv and European cutting centers, outside of London , are the most infected with blood diamonds. That being said, the Canadian and Australian certified diamonds are your best buys, even if they are more expensive. Simply because they are not owned by DeBeers, a most constrictive anti-competeitive company, and they are the least likely to have blood spilled on them. It is the route I would have taken. On another note, DeBeers only has control of 50-60% of the world market anymore, thanks to the Canadian & Australian mines. DeBeers almost had the Canadian mine too. Lucky for us. Keep your eye on synthetics too. Next decade or so may change the trade and place it on its head.

Bortz a lot