
Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Wow, laugh out loud funny

I laughed out loud at work today reading the previous post. My boss asked what was so funny and I said "Nothing. Just something I read." He came over to see what it was, and didn't find it as funny. Such subtle humor is lost on the older generations I guess. Bottom line, I thought it was HIGH-larious! Really, on the oh shit... now he's MAD part. Reading that, particulary from Mike, harkens back to a time of such high levels of asshole from JP, Rudy and others that it made me long for the old days when we all hung out (probably too much) and got on each others nerves and occasionally didn't like each other very much. Well, at least I know I hated each and every one of you at some point in time. Seriously hated. And here are the times:

Mike: When you tried to make me play Vampire, as a computer nerd no less, rather than letting me go to Big Ed's.
Rudy: When you were in my class video for UCI and you ran around that corner and slipped and fell and RUINED my shot.
Enron: When you made me drink gummi-worm-coffee after throwing the gummi worms at my back.
Jon: When you said you would play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, then made fun of your character, then said you would TOTALLY play.
Johnny: When you gave me the wrong code to enter into your complex in Fremont and then had to come and get me wearing nothing but sweats and work boots.
Ryan: When you make me go to the gym every day.

So there. Those were the only times that I have TRULY hated any of you.