
Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Nice Enron...

I couldn't help but laugh all the way through that email. I must have looked like a crazy man laughing at the computer screen I didn't know Eric Scored/not scored that much with the ladies...! What an asshole! I also didn't know i was so hated from playing cosmic encounters with Mike. Mike... no sweat. I still love you, man and we can play more cosmic encounters.

I also have a new theory on big boobs. I've changed my conclusion. The new thesis is that it's not Water that causes the natural enlargement of boobs but a condition caused by the overconsumption of fermented Hops or as we know the substantious liquid "beer". This is because Beer is hardly digestable and therefore stores in fat cells. These fat cells causes the unusual pattern of obesity in men in the Guttous regions of the body, or what we call beer gut. In women however, fat is stored differently and is stored mainly in their mammorous regions. Perfect scientific example would be the Anglican and Germanic women, who are raised in cultures where the consumption of alchohol is in vast overdosage quantity. Over the years, this genetic enlargement is passed on through generations and generations of large breasted women. Another example would be African nations where, homebrew beer is a common celebratory practice and is made in large quantities as well. On the counter side, Asian countries, consumes less quantity of beer. The reasons are physical as well as preferential. Physically asians have a condition known as asian disease, where any mild consumption of alcohol results in immediate inflamation of the face and neck regions and causes immediate inebriation. The physical tolerance level of asians are generally lower. Second, asians have a history of preferring wine and other fine alcohol substance over the more common and quantitatious "beer".

That gentleman is my admendment to my theory. Mike, you are welcome to indulge yourself using this as a topic for your PHD thesis.
