
Sunday, September 07, 2003

I win!

So I finally broke down and bought new tires for my car. I have been avoiding doing this for the past 15K miles. The previous pair supposedly had an uneven wear pattern as a result of a period when my car was misaligned (Thank the Honda dealership in Torrance for that). I had the car realigned a long time back and the noise was still there. I brought it in to the dealership and they said it was the tires. I brought it to my tire store and they were not sure what it was, but they did agree that at least two of the tires may or may not be making the noise. Well I started thinking to myself, someone is full of shit. The tires just did not have enough abberation in the wear to create that much noise. I took it back to the dealship, same response. So I said fuck it, its just noise and I will deal with it when I have some money. Later, on two other occasions I brought the car into the dealership up here and got the same response, it is the tires. At this point I am starting to cave in to the idea that I have to buy new tires. So I take it to the tire place and they said it could very well be the tires. So after spending hundreds of dollars on new tires/alignment when my old ones probably had 10k left on them, one would think all was well. Nope. I win the Ass prize. Same fucking sound. Over the past 2K miles it has been getting worse and worse. Well now I am out a bunch of money for tires I didnt need AND I have to go back to the dealship and tell them they are a bunch of id-jiots. Nothing is worse than lazy people that are not willing to try a little troubleshooting. It makes me wonder, what the hell is the point of having a new car if it sounds like Sean O'Donnell is making whisky shakes in my back seat? I could have been driving my No Ka Oi piece of shit and had less noise and frustration. ANyway, my original belief is that it is the bearings, now I am even more convinced of my own logic. Go Go Gadget take it in the ass!

Automotive Repars Bite