
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Harsh! Harsh! Harsh!

- These rules use 2nd edition Space Hulk, so I'm not sure that they didn't exclude the move and shoot option in 2nd edition, apparently 2nd edition removed the opportunity for Marines to use their leftover CP's on the Genestealers turn as if it wasn't difficult enough for the marines to win. I can't check that rule seeing as I only have first edition, and Johnny can no longer check that rule either.....
- There is sound, unless I am hearing things. I particularly like the Marine death screeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm!
- The network version is hopefully going to be available in the next release, I'm not holding my breath cause these people are working for free and I can't really make any demands of them.
- Clustered message screen? Not sure what you mean.
- At first the console was a bit confusing but I learned it pretty well after one game.

I love it! Love it love it love it!

And you can't get mad at their english skills either, I think they are French.

I'll play you Mike Mike Motorbyke! I'll try sending a game to your hotmail account and see what happens!

NOTE: I can't send to your hotmail account incidentally. I need your school account. My email is my (first name) AT showcasebc DOT com.