
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Criticizing a beta version of a (free) game...

... is like criticizing a book before the second half is written, or a house during a framing, or girl before you see her naked.

There is an option to zoom in on the board BTW. There needs to be a button to move a genestealer on the board because they can "lurk" off the board for as long as the player wants.

Also, the controls are a bit clunky, I concur, I hope they improve that feature before too long, but if not, oh well.

I'm just happy to be playing SPACE HULK!!!!

Sidenote: I am currently completing a variant Blood Bowl pitch for a variant game called BB7's. 7 players on the field, 11 players max per team, smaller pitch (11x20 spaces) and slightly different rules for a few skills and an all in one injury table. It was designed to be played in a lunch hour, so it seems like a smaller investment for people in both time and money. Hooray for modelling, terrain, styrofoam, glue, static grass, sand, and paint!

And most of all hooray for all of you!

Even moreso to Ryan who didn't tell us that yesterday was his birthday! Happy Birthday (even though I know it wasn't...)!!!!