
Sunday, September 07, 2003

Ah yes, my tiredumentary

Welcome back Professor Motorbike! It's nice to hear from you again. In honor of your return, I will spell "theater" as "theatre" in this post!

I am beat, is what I am. I worked 6 hours of OT. It wasn't so bad because we're working on this pretty cool set... for this cancelled-after-ten-episodes show called "Firefly" by the Buffy guy. It's basically a Western in space. Sounds weird, is good. People talk funny, fly spaceships, and shoot often. It's not such a bad project to work lots of overtime on.

I just deleted a really boring paragraph about watching Two Towers, so thank me for that.

I have read all of the Arcana Unearthed rules except for the spells. That's the first complete game book I've read in a long, long time. Next up: the gazeteer for the game world.

My other favorite con moment was the conception of the Pop Hat... the hat with Jiffy Pop in it so that as you walk in the sun, it inflates into a top hat! And then when you doff your hat to the ladies, you also offer them popcorn!