
Tuesday, August 05, 2003


- So, why the sudden one week vacation with nothing planned? I thought you were trying to get that promotion at work and couldn't take any vacation days, let alone a WEEK!?!?

- Also, yes, I plan on attending the convention in LA coming up for Labor Day con. I plan on celebrating the British Labor Party at the convention. Jon will go if we can get four people. Me + Jon = 2. 2 + maybedenis = 3, 3 + maybeenronandjael = 5! Hooray! We are going to the con!

- Yeah, we can also host the songs Rudy on this site, I just need a break so that I can get them from you and upload them. Things have been biz-ay. Last night left from a site in Beaverly Hills @ 8pm. Ugh.

- I have an awesome new WWII system called Crossfire. It was being played at Kublacon on the hex table behind at one point I think. Super fun, few rules, NO RULERS, NO SET TURNS. It works kinda like Blood Bowl and/or Warmaster insofar as you can continue your turn until you fail to perform a task successfully (ie you miss a rally roll, fail to at least pin a target you are shooting at, or get suppressed with reactive fire. ) I have been playing it with Squad Leader boards and chits as practice. Seems lots o' fun. I have copied the rules and will send them to Enron and Jael shortly to check out.

- Rockin'