
Sunday, August 10, 2003


Whoa Johnny! I think you should think twice before out-and-out resigning. It's awfully difficult to find a job these days. -Especially- in your area. Trust me, it can be tough to pay the rent after a couple of months with no dough. You may feel flush right now, but it's better to hold onto your nest egg in case of a real emergency. We are getting to the age where we need to start putting actual money in the bank. And if you resign, you aren't eligible for unemployment. When I was job-hunting, that was the only thing that kept me paying the rent (and I still got into some financial trouble).

Another important factor is that a lot of employers do not like to see on a resume that you left a place "just because." No matter how much spin you put on it, if you leave a job abruptly, that is how they are going to view it. If you apply while you're still employed, you are better off for three reasons: 1. you have a fall-back plan in case things don't work out; 2. you don't look like a flake who will just up and quit a job; 3. you are in a better position to negotiate for your pay--after all, you technically don't -need- the job.

I know there are times when quitting just sounds awesome, but it is really, really not a good idea to split without a plan.


On to better things!

I wouldn't mind doing Friday and Saturday night only, or Saturday/Sunday night only. I know it's only another $25-30 but that's $25-30 I'd rather spend on gaming materials or crack. Since Eerik is likely to not be around Sunday night anyway (sad, but true) that might be the best way to do it.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm still undecided/undeclared.

Enron... you mispelled "can't skip" as "can skip." That had me seriously confused. :)

(PS to JL: bring Mutant Chronicles with you!)