
Monday, August 11, 2003


Good luck!

How long have you been in a professional position? I only ask because everyone that I know that has pursued an MBA had been either in a senior position, executive position, or in a professional corporate environment for at least 3 years. I would LOVE to work towards an MBA, but I don't think I would ever get accepted into any program until I at least get some management experience under my belt. Heather just graduated from Andersen (UCLA) and she has been a senior consultant at Deloitte and Touche for the past 5 years, and Wayne is still attending Cal Poly SLO and he was an account executive for a dotbomb (buyproduce.com). True, he probably moved through the ranks faster than he should have due to the dotbomb climate, but still, he had the title.

All I'm saying is that you should protect yourself and keep your job until you are accepted to any MBA program. I would hate to see you ditch a paying job with the hopes that you will get accepted, and not be for whatever reason.