
Thursday, August 14, 2003


Old Mercedes are pretty reliable. Its just, like most German cars, repars and maintanence can be very expensive. You might want to check what kind of engine it is. most of the older ones are Diesel. Diesel is a mixed bag. Better milage but more stench/particulate matter. Less fueling stations and typically more expensive fuel (but not always.. it really Depends on market fluctuations). They are LOUD; on the otherhand, diesel engine will drive forever, which is why a lot of the older mercedes on the road are diesel.

Yeah IKEA is cool, if not a overly generic. Bang for the buck is pretty high, but you have to be alert there, some of the stuff is not long for life. The fight club scene with the IKEA furniture is pretty tight. That was a pretty darn good movie. I gotta watch that again.

Go go gadget wire management! In what little down time we have at work, I have been embarking on an ambitious endeavor of cord management. This lab gives new meaning to spaghetti. "Dear lord, I have never seen such giganticism in a scrotum" I mean giganticism in wire heaps. Messy. Yeah fun ME!

Off to see the Lizard