
Monday, July 21, 2003

SF 2 MM 'N Back

I sort of wish I had gone, but on the other hand... fuck getting home at 5am! I would have had another hour drive home from your joint, got a shower and then would get ready for work and great! Off to work I would go. Arrgggg.... I remember leaving SF at 3am. D'oh! got to LA @ 7:30, got an hour sleep went to work. Worst day of work ever! Ill never do that again if I can help it. That sucks that your buds didnt share the driving. I would have been kicking ass and taking names. "Get up asshole, your drivin' now!" when I get that tired, I want my MTV.

La-roque: Yeah I saw League too. Umm... it was a cheap thrill (if you can call 9.50 cheap...), but definately lacked character. COuld have been done a lot better. Stupid sub in the Venice Canals. LAME!. Like it has a draft of 5 feet. Tom Sawyer? WTF? Like we Americans could not relate to a movie with only Limey literary characters! On the other hand I saw 28 Days later. It was pretty good actually. What was wierd though is it looked like the movie was shot with super crappy digital camera at times (Especially in London). Washed out colors, compression relics, and the classic JPEG 'halos', shallow depths of field. Maybe that was the intended effect... Yeah like you said, plot is minimal. But for what it was, it definately had a creppy feel and took a little more serious of a route in comparison to the more comical style of traditional Zombie movies.

Off to bed, I am soooooo tired.

Baked Alaska