
Saturday, July 19, 2003

SensANAL? Huh sounds like a butt load of fun! Har Har Har...

Well, I have got my computer limping. ALmost done, but the important part is complete: the data made it off of my failing drive. Now I have to get NTLDR on the drive and switch drive letters around. Unfortunately, the weather is too nice and I will shorty venture out to enjoy its splendor.

Johnny, I have been promising Aimey I would take her to MM for a while now and I think she would but most saddened by my going to MM without her. SO I will have to pass unless you manage to find two empty seats (No the trunk does not count). Jay and Silent Bob.. Blah. I watched that with David and I wanted to cry. So juvinile. So much lame gay humor. Das Burnt. Dogma was good and then that movie... Ouch

Note of interest to Elrock: do not disconnect the power cable to a drive while the computer is on and accidently short the rail power connection. For a little while I thought I blew my MoBo. Turns out I just triggered the PS to shut off.

"I gotta take a dump" - Whortz