
Friday, July 11, 2003

Funny Link

This is the funny link.

- RDub and I are going to see Iron Maiden at the Long Beach Arena, Monday August 25th if anyone wants to come...

- I saw the Norse vs. Orc game last night b/w Jael und Rael. Brutal. I'm scared to play either team with my poncey humans!

- I have the plague now too. I don't think that it is the Enron plague, but regardless, I took a huge nostril drag/sniff this morning and almost vomited from the amount of chunks that I drew into the back of my throat (that is sore). When I spit out said chunks, the mass was an amusing amalgamation of brown and yellow phlegm (i'm guessing), hard and crusty bits and large chunks of blood/scabs. I felt much bettar afterword however, though I am still sick.

- Sounds like Hawaiian food is like the Hawaiian food they sell at Back Home at Lahaina. Huge plates of meat with rice, cabbage, and macaroni salad for about $5.00. I have my doubts that Jon will ever return from Hawaii....