
Sunday, July 06, 2003


Rad ragnar-gear! That christmas story you had made was quite the classic! Also, congrats on the iron contest! I went to grade school with Casey- so proud to see how far hes come. You guys remember Mike Sneathern? That dude's now the Attorney for the Milwauke Bucks. Not as cool as Casey's accomplishment, but still pretty sweet. Seagal! Awesome review- I started a forum thread at the Van-Damme page @ IMDB.COM saying: WHO WOULD WIN IN ULTIAMTE BATTLE: SEAGAL OR VAN DAMME! And the best response was "Seagal is only a threat to a buffet." Heh.

Oh man, I had a friend who drove up to SF on Saturday morning- took em 5 hours to get there! Straightaways on the 5. It'll prolly take them 5.5 hours to get back! Maybe we hyped up the traffic just a bit.