
Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Sign Me UP!!!

Um, no. BUT, dude- next week, lets say like monday or tuesday, lets meet online for a Blood Bowl game. I had that stupid BBjava thing on my machine from when you mentioned it a few months ago, and i recently deleted it. I'll put it back on if theres someone to play. Is there gonna be k00-t00-l00 this sunday?

Review: Princess Monononononononononononoke. *Spoilers* I really didnt get it. The lady who ran Iron-Town was totally bad in my eyes (she was nice to her workers- big fuckin deal.) Why did the main dude give a fuck about her (I'll help them rebuild Iron-Town! YAY! THEN THEY CAN MAKE MORE GUNS AND DESTROY MORE FORAST! AWERSOME!") I dunno. Maybe it was all about "we gotta be super-compassionate to everyone" but main-dude was fuckin knockin' samurai heads off pretty nonchalently earlier in the flick. Whatever. I guess it was good- it was really beautiful visually- the tree spirits- those things ruled. But fuck, I felt ZERO sympathy for any of the humans, including Clare Danes and her grating voice: "I.Do.Not.Want.To.Become.A.Demon.Pass.The.Salt.Mmk.Thanks." I'd rewatch it with the subtitles, but I didn't like it enough, plus I also checked out THE OMEN and JAWS from the Library, and would rather watch one of those. Still wanna see Spirited Away. Anyone see Metropolis? I liked that one way better than this.
Final Grade: B -

PS: I made a new visor.

I also ordered the baseball jersey shirt I made so I should be gettin that this week- i'll show u guys next time we hang out.
-Eddie Dean