
Monday, June 02, 2003

Let's Play MOHAA!!

CNN Story!

Recount of yesterdays fun:
Enron and I cheeeled at my place. We went to watch Bruce almighty with my brother. I liked the movie, I thought the plot was more than appetizing, and the whole jim carey and jennifer aniston thing was good. Before the movie started though, some kid spilled a large cup of coke on my back and hair. Somehow these things always happen with aaron around. I'm thinking Aaron's just cursed! As for the movie, there are definitely room for improvements and some fine tuning of some loose ends. I won't give anything away, in case anyone wants to watch this movie, but I just thought that for someone who got limitless power, certainly used it in a very limited, moronic, way. You'd think God (morgan freeman) would choose someone who's more deserving? or more suitable candidate, than a mid aged man going through mid life crisis and experiencing a streak of bad luck... eh....

The beginning of the movie however was hilarious. Started off with a bang, but as the movie went on, I think the creative juices that the movie started with sorta ran dry. Jennifer aniston at one point was this crying whiny, unloveable character that almost seems latchy and unreal. The fake crying gave me shivers... her "wonder bra" boobs were great! mmmmmm....

So all in all, still a funny movie, one thumb up on a seven fingered hand! B-

The REAL question you have to ask, "what if God was johnny lee?" Ouch.. lightning just hit me.

So um... after that, me and aaron spent most of the weekend building the Miniature board. So far the project has cost me over 300 bucks and I am starting to waver on how much this thing is actually worth.