
Friday, June 20, 2003

Jon, ender of fun

Yo Eerik! You may either play D&D or CoC this weekend, however I can play neither. I am SUPAR-BIZZAY until about a week from Monday.

Defeat the monsters and don't forget to collect their treasure

Hey Ja-el, what did you think you were supposed to do in Iron Dragon? Construct the prettiest track? Or just be the handsomest guy at the table? Cause you got that, Mr. Smooth.

He say you Brade Runnellsdfasdhiu

Hey MIke, congratulations on your victory in the rollerblading tournament!

Just kidding. That's awesome that you were able to represent for your school. Nice work!

OK, I really have nothing of substance to say. Um, I want to see the Hulk. Oh, and I'm going to Hawaii for about a week and a half in mid-July. Maybe I can blog from there! Awesome!!!!111