
Monday, June 02, 2003

I dunno what it is...

...MOH just doesn't wet my whistle. I can't explain it, there is just some intangible element missing from that game and I can only play it for about 15 minutes before I get bored. On the other hand I highly enjoy(ed) Wolfenstein which apparently everyone but me and Steve thinks is kind of a drag. Do I understand it? I do not. Anyway, Thief III is gonna be the best 1st-person WWII game evar, so it's not important. Even though I won't be able to play it until 2004, I am looking forward to clubbing guards and putting them in "gay" positions on top of other guards. Why was "gay" in quotes? I don't know.

As for the Blood Bowl team, I hate to see a guy down on his luck.

Nice work on the minis board Jonnalee Lee! Don't worry about the dough! Let me remind you that I spent $264 on gaming products, and so far I have highly enjoyed having them, putting them in boxes, organizing them, looking at 5 or 6 pages on the toilet, etc..