
Sunday, June 15, 2003

Also, some other stuff

- Johnny, what happened at your BB league this past Thursday? Did you go, or did you let my vicarious life down by going to another interview?

- I purchased the first season of Buffy on DVD and both Parenthood and Memento. 1rst 4 espisodes of Buffy are D-: Sux0rz. Parenthood is a huge A+, and Memento got a strong B+, a very interesting movie that had some fun turns and twists in it. Interesting premise and execution.

- Enron: Jon can easily shoot down your claim to a detailed critical hit system being a strength of WFRP to a weakness because it is infact not as expansive as Rolemaster. Or MERP for that matter (a "simplified" version of Rolemaster). Though recently Jon has been encouraging me to run my pet system (WFRP), which is a bit refreshing, he also has made it clear I should not run said game until he "moves" to Boston or someothersuch town....