
Thursday, May 08, 2003

You got your chocolate in my shit!
No, you got your blood in my chocolate!
Cap'n Bloodshit's Shit Log

5/7/03, 11:33 AM

Ahoy, mateys! This were a fine shit, full o' blood and chum emerging from me fine booty. Arter a dry period o' no grue in the guano, this were a fine find, wit' a mighty cloud o' misty blood deposited into the bowl along with me fecal treasure! Each o' me three wipes brought up a beautiful, ruby-red trove o' me fiery liquid! When t' fourth wipe came up clean, I flushed the whole mess down to Davey Jones' locker!

5/7/03, 9:48 PM

Arr! This poo were accompanied by a fine pain in the bowels, the likes o' which any sailor likes to see! The blood that accompanied me shit in this partic'lar bowl were a beautiful color, like a fine French wine worthy o' being drunk off the tits of a Paris whore! Aye, the delicate vintage of me anal spray were fine and glorious. Arter I hosed down the porcelain bowl wi' the geyser of me steaming man o' cunt, I were rewarded wi' many fine toilet squares worth o' bloody excreta afore I mailed the entire package to Poseidon himself!

No soul, Rudy? No soul?

X2 had SOME soul. Not a lot! But some. I like in that these movies the actors take the characters pretty seriously, and they're pretty internally consistent, and I liked how things linked up with the last one. I watched the first one again (slow time at work) and I think it was both enhanced by the second movie, and also it enhanced the second movie. (It's kinda weird that Storm lost her accent between the first movie and this one... no great loss, though.) I thought Nightcrawler totally had soul! Although he had very little screen time. Most of the characters did little screen time really. I guess that was the biggest problem... so many characters. But, it was good. What I hope is that the next ones focus on fewer characters. Everybody seems to be hoping for "spin-off" movies focusing on a couple char's... that would be cool. I'd like to see more about Rogue, she was always my favorite in the comics for some reason, although Anna Paquin is sort of disturbingly squirmy.

Cyclops is SUPER LAME. Was he that debil in the comics? I never read very much X-Men, so I'm not sure. (Also... was Magneto the leader of the X-Men for a while? Or was that the West Coast Avengers or something like that?)

I guess Alan Cummings is Ryan's alias, because if you painted Ryan blue (and who hasn't) he would look EXACTLY like Nightcrawler looks in this movie. It's kind of chilling actually. I kept expecting Nightcrawler to put on an FYP album.

The end of the movie was too long. Everything after Wolverine's big fight was kind of a letdown, methinks.

Magneto is super rad, "Fag-neto" jokes notwithstanding. He needs to get a proper base though, in X1 and X2 he's always hanging around small locales with like 2 other mutants, and he doesn't look like a super-villain, he kind of looks like a sad loner. You know, kind of like me.