
Saturday, May 17, 2003

Yay sleep. Boo 4:45 wakeup.

I'm tired in advance. I'm off to NY tomorrow, but like a sucka I signed up for a 7:00 AM flight leaving out of the LBC... which means I gotta be there around 5:30 while you guys are sleeping like precious, precious angels... d'oh. NY is gonna be totally awesome, on top of which it will be shred-tacular. I get in sometime around 12:15 PST.

I'm bringing my computer, so hopefully I'll be able to get some bloggage in! Otherwise, have a great week.

PS Fun day of gaming today! Yay Battlecry/Crimson Skies/Dungeoneer/Halo.
PPS If I find any game stores in NY I'll be sure to Blog STRAIGHT AWAY!
PPPS R.I.P. Buffy the Vampire Slayer ttyl!
PPPPS I've seen that show like once. It's fine though, gonna miss it a lot!