
Saturday, May 10, 2003

So what DOES This Google Thing Mean, Anyway?

Have you noticed that on the top of the Blogger page when you log in? As if someone using Blogger wouldn't know what Google was... or maybe I missed the point. Whatever. So, I've been out of the loop yet again, but what else is new? I come back to find a detailed report on Jhn's suppositories and Enron's car trouble. I'm eager to find out if my picture has been changed too, Aeryk so that I don't look like I'm pissed off or anything. Whenever I see it, all I can think of is Rudy and JP saying 'Oh Shit, now he's MAD!' - anyway it makes me laugh, but perhaps its time for a kinder gentler MichaelAnderson? So my life has been pretty filled up with painful training for rowing, applying for teaching jobs to make a bit of extra cash, and measuring plans of Roman houses in exacting and mind-numbing detail, and then making a spreadsheet out of it. Who said that getting a PhD wasn't fun? Other than that, my parents have been visiting, so that's taken up that little bit of free time I did have. Sorry to hear about all of your troubles of late, and Rude Dog, don't worry about 'messing it up' with the pictures, just think of the humour that would have been lost if Eric hadn't received those retarded 'threats' - -I was pissing myself over it. Though maybe it wasn't so funny for Eric, I dunno. I wish that I had more interesting things to write about, but since my life is pretty boring, I don't really. Mum and Dad also brought over the old skateboard for me, so in my 'free time' if that ever materializes, I can go about looking like a complete idiot and probably break a wrist or something. Never could work out how to olie or anything other than vaguely stay upright as it trundled along -- we'll see this time though... more news as event warrent.

In other news, nice job on the website background image changer. Good job I took all those pictures at GenCon, hurrah (NB not Huzzah!) for digital cameras.
Ok, now its time to stretch out my tired old muscles.

Mikosaurus Rex