
Sunday, May 04, 2003

Random stuff

I kinda had yesterday to myself, so I went and saw X2. It was pretty cool! Basically, if you thought the first one was good, this one's a little better than that. The first scene (with Nightcrawler) is -awesome-. The movie flags a little at the end (it's 2 hours 15 minutes, which is like 45 minutes longer than the last one).

Was Deathstrike an asian lady in the comix? Is she even a real character? I didn't read as much X-Men as I should've.

There was a trailer for the next Matrix which looks really cool, and one for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen which looks ghey. Allan Quatermain is the leader? Mina Harker is a half-vampire? Gimme a break.

Interestingly, the audience at the theater (Manhattan Beach theater at the mall) was like 80% black. I remember going there as a kid and there was hardly anybody who wasn't white there. Sign of the times I guess. It was cool but I regretted wearing my white pillowcase hat.

Modern moviegoer etiquette continues to impress me. I think people are getting better about cell phones, but bringing 2-year-olds into movies for older folk is not so smart. One particulably great lady had a baby who was talking/crying through the whooooole movie, and with about 30 minutes left to go, after several choruses of "shhh"s, she stood up and took the baby outside. As she did, she said to the kid, "Shut up. Shiiiit." Parent of the Year!

So, hopefully I am to play BattleCry vs. General Hessel today. I'm pretty excited! I've played several practice rounds vs. myself (so far the Union is ahead of the game, despite brilliant tactical play on the parts of both armies). Even setting up is fun! Sometimes I just set up, and then put it away again. I'm just sad that I had to actually purchase the game to learn how to play it. Eric and Aaron would never teach me how, but maybe now that I know the rules they'll play with me.