
Saturday, May 10, 2003

'Oh Shit, now he's MAD!'

M Hamderson: I think about you every time I want to tell someone my name is Mike Hunt. It is good to hear all is well in the fair nation of boiled beef and disfigured teeth. Other than car issues, the land of Hemopheliacs ala JP Helms is good. Are you on the crew team or are you in a crew club? If you are on the team that would be epic. We have crew teams practice in the lake in front of our apartments. Kool Partay.

Ulrick: What is the URL for our action team email? Or is it not Web based? In other news bring all your games. That way we can stack them up in the room and have just enough room to sleep in the tub. I do not have any games in mind, just get a good selection of standbys. I have Iron Dragon, Honor of the Samurai, Rosinkonig, Giganten (Not that you will play it... Fucker!), Acquire, Ricochet Row Butt, Butt Pirateer, GOOTMU!, Stale Baron, & Circvs Maximvs. If Denish trys to back out, kidnap him. Jon too. Three cheers to the sweet banner pix. Seeing Genital Con is quite inspirational.

Johnny: Whatcha got to bring?

Rhuebarb: Ron is a crazy mo' fo'. That is really hot if he does go through with a X-country bike ride with the mrs.iz. You know a lot of italian cuisine is a asian, african, roman, greek fusion anyway. So it is not to far fetched... Or something.

Yee Ha! Jester is dead