
Tuesday, May 13, 2003

More Work Bullshit

Ok... I know you guys are almost sick of my work rants, but I just need someone to hear me out.... =/

So I got my (predicted, tiny) raise and review. So I did fairly well, according to my boss, Woopidy Doo, YaY. So since I was inquiring about PM jobs, he tells me that he plans to create 1, possibly 2 more soon and that he encourages me to apply but he thinks they might be looking for people with more experience yada yada.
So great, fuckin jackass, 1st) I'm supposed to be next in line for the PM job since I'm a PC. From the sound of his comments I'm not guaranteed despite the fact i'm doing decent work according to my good reveiw. 2) It doesn't even sound certain PM job is going to be created... and what the fuck is soon? How soon? month, year decade? 3) It sounds like I don't even have leverage in this whole thing and that I need more experience.

So I'm thinking of pursuing the BDM job, which 1) would pay more 2) i get to travel 3) I get to be sales 4) i work with a bunch of really professional guys (serious).

Here's the BUT. I think the only reason I'm not 100% down with the BDM role is that I really want to be PM and If in 2 months the job DOES open up and chances are I will have a good chance of getting it.

I don't know what to do... fuck...
