
Wednesday, May 07, 2003

More bad news... What's worse is Aaron's right!!

I accidentally made a hotel reservation for Koooblacon. Oh well, Aaron have fun staying at kublacon without a hotel reservation. Elrick can keep you warm or there'll probably be a few pieces of the San mercury times news you can use.

Elrick - I felt the same way moving out of our hermosa house. For 20 years it served as a Summer Home, then my Jr High home, then some college kids lived in it, and then it served as our home again. I went through 1 bike accident, 1 bloody brawl, 3 confirmed sighting of Black widow spiders, countless Ant Eradication-by-pesticide missions, 1 broken garage door, and 1 case of bums living below our house.

Joke Corner:
Q: Why do Saab's have rear-defrosters?
A: To keep your hands warm while you're pushing them..! ha-ha

(P.S that was a very funny post by Aron)
