
Monday, May 19, 2003

Matrix: Re-NOFRIENDS-'ed

Still haven't seen it, but I think I'll go on an early morning matinee viewing this week. I made a little money helping a friend move today (and made a lot of back-hurt too) so I was about to go solo tonight, but 10 fuckin bucks. If I were with friends, eh- ok. But, 10 bucks to see it alone? No. So, I'll go see it at the special matinee price of $8.50 (ouch!) But thats cool what you said about the haX0ring stuff. That site you linked also mentioned that the movie Battle Royale used it too- I saw that movie recently- its a good one!

Just watched Martha, Inc. Doh! Pretty boring. Yeah, she's pretty brutal I guess, but I've worked for bigger asshole's than her, and it just really wasn't that shocking. Oh, back pain sucks.

welcome to my house of candy...
Indeed, Iran can testify to the pleasing conforts of my fu