
Sunday, May 11, 2003

If Only You Could See Mine...

If you could see a full size images of my avatar, you would be convinced that I, infact, have the most hideous one of the bunch. It is a lovely pic of me in either 8th or 9th grade and my face has just begun to realize it's future dream of being a pock-marked landscape for the rest of my life. There are enormous volcanoes of blood and pus errupting all over... I think Enron is the only one who might remember me at that lovely stage in my life. Of course I have a Metallica T-Shirt on too! Rockin'!

Have no fear Jael, all of my PBI guys are just base painted too. Just a dollop of peach for their faces, a strip of brown and metal for their guns, basecoat (black) for their boots, and a whole lotta grey or green for their uniforms. The bases are a bit cooler, and were a pain to do. Hang tight though MoFo, they will pay your hard work back in full when you finally get to use them at Kubla!!!!! Hooray!!!!

Roodie: Of course thats me surfin' cause I rip like none other, and I think we can deduce that Ryan is looking at one fo three things a) Enrons penis, cause it actually looks like Enron is showing him, b) A drowned child still in the pool, or c) the 13 year old hooker in the jaccuzzi.

For Jon and Ryan: HHHHHHOIST.

Enron: mail.theactionteam.org. Same SqWebMail that 10d6 uses. Check it.