
Tuesday, May 06, 2003

I Think You Are Exciting, or You Excite Me

- One or the other, you choose....

- Rdub, true, the Ducks game was great. You should have come on over and enjoyed it with some leftover Pacifico from the Sunday night game-o-feast-o-bloody-ass-o-rama! Oh well, there is always next series. And surfing with Byars, perhaps this weekend? I don't have ANY plans of right now, so we should charge saturday AND sunday morning! I'll try and remember to call Byars. Hopefully we don't beef it on any waves. To the max!

- Jael, how did the raise/promotion go? We never heard the verdict on that one, which probably means by asking I am rubbing salt into your open wound of promotion rejection, but at least I am showing interest in your life, right? Also, are you still in for Kublacon? Yes? Terrific!!!!

- CafeBrudeats, you can edit the CSS sheet by downloading it and messing with the Hex Colors to better match your site's scheme. Yeah, there are some erroneus entries on the sheet, thats the fun! You get to find the ones that apply and the ones that don't! Also, as far as the Javascript calling goes, it was either there for something yet to be added or left over from something that was removed. If you haven't noticed I like to cut and past headers and whatnot. It helps speed the process ups and also helps me forget how to do fundamental HTML stuff, which is great when you are under the gun trying to throw a quick site example up while the boss is watching.... Also, nice picture!

- Enron, at work we are looking to automate some of my busy work everyday so that I can be better used in other arenas. So we need a database that can extract some information from log files that will tell us if certain kiosks are a) on, b) generating revenue, and c) need some tender loving technical assistance. That is why I am axing you aboot database schtuffen. Also, are you still in for Kublacon? Please say yes....

- Enoto: I played another Battlecry:Battle game with myself last night, the first one in the book that has the fences (not feces). 6 - 5, SO many bodies on either side of the fence. Try it out. Use pennies and dimes as counters. DO IT!!!!!